Spring is just around the corner
and that means continual sneezing, unable to stop coughing, itchy eyes, stuffy nose, tightness of the chest, headaches, dizziness, fainting, itchy, irritating skin, hives (urticaria), diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea for those with pollen allergies.
Sound familiar?
Airborne pollens are certainly the most troublesome culprits for seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hayfever and pollen allergy symptoms. From grasses, being the majority, weed and tree pollens, the allergic reactions are triggered by direct contact either breathed in, on the face or on exposed skin such as arms, legs and hands when sitting in the grass or touching plants.
In many cases, more than one variety of pollen can be a trigger. Some of the most irritating plants that will bother pollen allergy sufferers include pollen from improved pasture grasses and exotic trees.
Pollens are either carried by birds and animals on their bodies or wind-borne. Summer and spring are generally considered the worst seasons with early morning and early evening being the worst times in the day. Humid days are generally more problematic too.
It is important to investigate whether there is an underlying condition causing the pollen allergy. This may be another medical condition possibly triggering pollen allergies such as asthma, atopy, anaphylactic reaction, atopic dermatitis, peanut allergy, post-nasal drip or rhinitis medicamentosa.
Allergy Covers
Create a barrier between you and the dust mite allergens by enclosing the entire mattress, the entire pillow and the entire doona. Provides asthma and allergy relief by stopping the continual night time exposure to dust mite allergens while you sleep.
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Some simple tips
- During spring and summer keep your windows closed in the early morning and early evening when the pollen spores are the most active.
- Avoid going out during windy days, shower and change clothing after returning home and after gardening to reduce allergens on yourself and inside your home.
- If you have dust mites allergy, dust mite control is essential. Similarly, if you are allergic to pollens or pet hair, remove the cause, reduce the risk and the symptoms.
- Consider getting consultation from professionals in the field, such as Mitey Fresh, to target the causes of your allergies.
Building Biologist
I believe you should spend less time figuring out what to do (that is my job) and more time breathing easier, living easier. I cut out all the fluff and confusion to indoor air quality maintenance and strip it down as a Building Biologist. Adverse health effects and effective strategies reduce occupants’ exposure by eliminating and controlling as many sources of pollutants as possible.
BOOK NOW with Mitey Fresh
Enjoy your Spring this year!
Towards healthier living, Carol Parr ♥
As Building Biologists, we have acquired knowledge of adverse health effects and recommend effective strategies to reduce occupants’ exposure by eliminating and controlling as many sources of pollutants in order to create healthy indoor living environments that are as exposure-free and natural as practically possible.
The post Something To Sneeze At appeared first on Mitey Fresh Building Biology.